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MCU 2022 - 9th Conference on Machines, Computations and Universality
Important Dates
- Submission deadline:
April 24, May 8, 2022, - Notification of acceptance:
May 23, May 30, 2022, - Final version:
June 5, June 10, 2022.

Technical information
- All times are in CEST (Central European Summer Time)
- How to connect to the online sessions with a web browser
- In case of difficulties, you might also call +36 30 7205585 (György Vaszil)
Wedesday, August 31
WEBEX: https://unideb.webex.com/unideb-hu/j.php?MTID=m21e0c22d7bf5c5116b7bd47170293092
11.30 - 14.20 | Registration |
12.30 - 14.00 | Lunch, coffee |
14.20 - 14.30 | Opening |
Chair: Benedek Nagy | |
14.30 - 15.30 | Hava Siegelmann - online (invited talk). Super Turing computing enables lifelong learning AI |
15.30 - 16.15 | Erik D. Demaine, Robert Hearn, Dylan Hendrickson and Jayson Lynch - online. PSPACE-Completeness of Reversible Deterministic Systems |
Thursday, September 1
WEBEX: https://unideb.webex.com/unideb-hu/j.php?MTID=md73ca6aabdb92bd0fbcf864798345404
Chair: Sergey Verlan | |
9.00 - 10.00 | Mika Hirvensalo (invited talk). Using inference to boost computing |
10.00 - 10.45 | Petr Sosík and Jan Drastik - online.. Computational universality and efficiency in morphogenetic systems |
10.45 - 11.15 | Coffee break |
Chair: Rudi Freund | |
11.15 - 12.00 | Bogdan Aman - online.. From Networks of Reaction Systems to Communicating Reaction Systems and Back |
12.00 - 12.45 | Lucie Ciencialová, Luděk Cienciala and Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú.. Languages of Distributed Reaction Systems |
12.45 - 14.15 | Lunch, coffee |
Chair: Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú | |
14.15 - 15.15 | Bianca Truthe (invited talk). A survey on computationally complete accepting and generating networks of evolutionary processors |
15.15 - 16.00 | Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov and Sergey Verlan.. Prescribed Teams of Rules Working on Several Objects |
17.00 | Guided visit of an exhibition at MODEM - Modern and Contemporary Arts Centre. The address is Hunyadi János utca 1-3. If all goes according to plan, we will visit this exhibition. |
19.00 | Conference dinner in the restaurant Reskontó Étterem. The address is Péterfia utca 34. |
Friday, September 2
WEBEX: https://unideb.webex.com/unideb-hu/j.php?MTID=mbbf2f4938dac58cec339e22fb2b6a942
Chair: Jérôme Durand-Lose | |
9.00 - 10.00 | Enrico Formenti (invited talk). Complexity of local, global and universality properties in finite dynamical systems |
10.00 - 10.45 | Manon Blanc and Olivier Bournez.. A characterization of polynomial time computable functions from the integers to the reals using discrete ordinary differential equations |
10.45 - 11.15 | Coffee break |
Chair: Péter Battyányi | |
11.15 - 12.00 | Aleksandr Tvardovskii and Nina Yevtushenko - online.. Adaptive experiments for state identification in Finite State Machines with timeouts |
12.00 - 12.45 | Viktor Olejár and Alexander Szabari.. Closure Properties of Subregular Languages under Operations |
12.45 | Announcement of the best paper and the best student paper |
12.45 - 14.15 | Lunch, coffee |
Chair: György Vaszil | |
14.15 - 15.00 | David Orellana-Martín, Luis Valencia-Cabrera and Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez. P Systems with Evolutional Communication and Separation Rules |
15.00 - 15.45 | Benedek Nagy. From Finite Automata to Fractal Automata - the Power of Recursion |
15.45 | Closing |