New Trends and Challenges in Management

Expand Your Research Impact Through Publication Opportunities
We are delighted to offer an excellent opportunity for PhD students, MSc students, and researchers to showcase their work and contribute to the scientific community. By participating, you have the chance to publish your research in high-quality outlets, including ISBN-listed Book of Abstracts and peer-reviewed journals listed below.

Sharing your findings not only builds your academic profile but also opens doors to collaborations and recognition within your field.

The members of the Scientific Committee, as editors of the following journals, primarily recommend these journals for submitting your paper.

Papers will be only accepted in English. The submitted manuscripts shall not have been published elsewhere.

Name of the Journal Journal impact Factor Scopus Publishing model
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (special issue) 5.1 (2023) Q1 (2023) open access
Sustainability (special issue) 3.3 (2023) Q1 (2023) open access
Energies (special issue) 3.0 (2023) Q1 (2023) open access
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living (special issue) 2.3 (2023) Q1 (2023) open access
Discover Sustainability (special issue) 2.4 (2023) Q2 (2023) open access
Journal of Risk and Financial Management (special issue) - Q2 (2023) open access
International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences (IJEMS) - - open access
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Digital Transformation of Industrial Processes - - open access
Archives of Engineering Knowledge - - open access


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