Looking Back and Ahead: Exploring Uniquely Canadian Cultural Narratives - Debrecen University Symposium, 2024


October 24 - Program
Symposium on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Studies on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Canadian Studies at UD
University Library, “Sziget” room
All times are in CEST (GMT+2)
Registration: 13.30-18.00

The abstract booklet is available for download in PDF format by clicking here

14:00 - 14:30
Opening ceremony

  • Elek Bartha, Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, University of Debrecen
  • H.E. François Lafrenière, Ambassador of Canada to Hungary
  • Helga Katalin Pritz, Consul General of Hungary in Montreal
  • Balázs Venkovits, director of the Canadian Studies Centre and the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen
  • Greetings from Margaret Atwood (video message)
14:30 - 15:30
Canadian Studies in / and Debrecen: Past, Present, Future

  • Judit Molnár and Péter Szaffkó (University of Debrecen), “The History of Canadian Studies at UD”
  • “Mapping Montreal”
    • Helga Katalin Pritz (Consul General of Hungary in Montreal) and Balázs Venkovits (IEAS, University of Debrecen), “Exploring Hungarian Montreal”
    • Barbara Lorenzkowski (Lead Co-Director, COHDS, Concordia University), "Charting the Intersection of Oral History and Creative Practice: Concordia’s Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling" (online)
    • Sonya Di Sclafani (COHDS), "Women's Histories of Hungarian Foodways in Montreal" (online)
15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30

Exploring Literary Narratives
Moderator: Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszka

  • David Staines (University of Ottawa), “Contemporary Canadian Fiction: Forty Years On” (online)
  • Anna Porter (Hungarian-born Canadian author and publisher), “Falling in Love with Canada (one book at a time)” (online)
  • Endre Farkas (Montreal-based poet, novelist and playwright), “SZERBUSZ” (poetry reading) (online)
17:30 - 18:00

Coffee break

18:00 - 19:30

Exploring Historical/Political Narratives
Moderator: Balázs Venkovits

  • Daniel Béland (director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, McGill University), “The Partisan Politics of Immigration in the United States and Canada”
  • Dennis Gruending (journalist, former MP), A Communist for the RCMP: A Police Informant and the Canadian Security State (online)
  • Mélissa-Anne Ménard (Concordia University), “Voices in the Field: A Critical Approach to Reusing Archived Oral History Interviews” (online)


October 25 - Program
“Looking Back and Ahead: Exploring Uniquely Canadian Cultural Narratives” Symposium
All times are in CEST (GMT+2)
Registration and coffee breaks: 8.30-17.30, room 109

09:00 - 10:30

Parallel panels 1-2
Panel 1 - Venue: University Library, “Sziget” room, Chair: Éva Pataki

  • János Kenyeres (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary), “Trauma and Identity in Atom Egoyan’s Recent Films”
  • Éva Huszti-Balázs Venkovits (University of Debrecen), “Immigration, Integration and Social Capital: History of the Hungarian St. Stephen's Ball in Montréal, 1959-2013”
  • Judit Nagy (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Hungary), “Canadian Missionary Women’s Contribution to Korean Society” 

Panel 2 - Venue: Studio 111, Chair: Ildikó Szilágyi

  • Gertrud Szamosi  (University of Pécs, Hungary), “Shaping Heaven: The Wind as a Narrative Force in Jane Urquhart's Novel"
  • Dalibor Žíla (Masaryk University, Czech Republic, “L’imaginaire de la fin du monde à travers trois récits de Julie D. Kurtness” (The image of the end of the world through three novels by Julie D. Kurtness)
  • Ildikó Szilágyi (Université de Debrecen), “Formes poétiques et identité culturelle dans la littérature québécoise”
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30

Parallel panels 3-4
Panel 3 - Venue: University Library, “Sziget” room, Chair: Judit Molnár

  • Jason Blake (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), “Coming to Grips with Canadian Short Stories of Multiculturalism”
  • Robert Stacey (University of Ottawa), “Livesay’s ‘The Documentary Poem: A Canadian Genre’ Revisited: Towards a Poetics of ‘The Project’”
  • Ahmet Uruk and Ayşenur Kör (Gümüşhane University, Turkey), “Negotiating Canadian Identity and Nature: Eco-Nostalgia in Jane Urquhart’s Sanctuary Line

Panel 4 - Venue: Studio 111, Chair: Péter Csató

  • Tidita Abdurrahmani (Bedër University College, Albania), “Self, Otherness and Gendered Identities in Alice Munro's Writings: A Close Reading of ‘The Albanian Virgin’”
  • Éva Pataki (University of Debrecen): “‘After all, we’ve brought India with us’: Migration, Home, and Belonging in South Asian Canadian Literature”
  • Aniko Zsuzsanna Antal (independent researcher, Toronto, Canada), “The Thunderbirds Metamorphosis From Images Into Words: Armand Garnet Ruffo’s Poetry in the Mirror of Norval Morrisseau’s Indigenous World”
12:30 - 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 - 15:00

Book and project presentations
Studio 111

  • Marisa Portolese (Concordia University), “Goose Village Project as a Significant Cultural Narrative Pertaining to Italian and Irish Immigration in Montreal, Quebec”
  • Donald E. Morse and Balázs Venkovits (University of Debrecen), HJEAS and HJEAS Books
  • Jason Blake (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Central European Journal of Canadian Studies
  • Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszka (University of Debrecen), Canadian narratives: calls for papers, collaboration opportunities, and a special issue of Short Fiction in Theory and Practice
  • Gabriella T. Espák (University of Debrecen), Seminal Years: Federal Multicultural Policies and the Politics of Indigeneity in Canada and Australian between 1988-1992
15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break

15:30 - 17:00

Parallel panels 5-6
Panel 5 - Venue: University Library, “Sziget” room, Chair: Péter Csató

  • Doina Ciochina (Sherbrooke University), “Bodies as Commodities and Stolen Identities in Horror: A Comparative Study of Never Whistle at Night and Get Out
  • Jennifer Baker (University of Ottawa), “Kate Beaton’s Ducks and the Emergence of the Necro-georgic in Canadian Literature”
  • Ian Desmond Mauer (Northeast Normal University, China), “Mnemonic Liminality in Shueng-King's You Are Eating an Orange. You are Naked"

Panel 6 - Venue: Studio 111, Chair: Dorottya Mózes
On decolonizing and growing Canadian Studies: Migratory and multiple heritage epistemologies, connections, and praxis from the lens of Filipino/a/x studies in Canada

  • Jacqueline Stol (McGill University)
  • Nellie Alcaraz (McGill University)
  • Anabelle Ragsag (McMaster University)
17:00 - 17:30
Coffee break
17:30 - 19:30

Parallel panels 7-8
Panel 7 - Venue: University Library, “Sziget” room, Chair: Balázs Venkovits

  • Gabriella T. Espák (University of Debrecen), “Stuart McLean’s Canada: A Multimodal Approach”
  • Shelley Hornstein (York University), “Discrimination by Design: Jews, Resort Architecture, and the Canadian Countryside”
  • Palla Mária (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary), “Sharing Food at Home and Abroad: Fictionalizing the Hungarian-Canadian Emigrant Experience”
  • Gabriel Thym (Concordia University), “Between Glory and Oblivion: Kondiaronk, an Indigenous Historical Figure in Canadian Public and Collective Memory

Panel 8 - Venue: Studio 111, Chair: Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszka
Representations of Motherhood in Canada

  • Andrea O'Reilly (York University), “‘I Am Not Responsible for Your Decision:’ Monique Lépine’s Aftermath and the Judgment of Maternal Culpability”
  • Katharine Viscardis (Northern Lakes College), “‘Keep them at Home:’ Resisting Institutional Care in Postwar Ontario”
  • Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszka (University of Debrecen), “Mapping the Maternal: Narrating Embodiment in Canadian Short Fiction”
  • Vedran Obućina (Centre for Interreligious Dialogue, Croatia), “Interreligious Aspects of Motherhood in Canada”
Closing (University Library, “Sziget” room), reception

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