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Looking Back and Ahead: Exploring Uniquely Canadian Cultural Narratives - Debrecen University Symposium, 2024
François Lafrenière - Ambassador of Canada to Hungary |
Helga Katalin Pritz - Consul General of Hungary in Montreal |
Barbara Lorenzkowski - Lead Co-Director, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University |
Dr. Barbara Lorenzkowski is the Lead Co-Director of Concordia's Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling and Associate Professor in the university's Department of History. She is the author of Sounds of Ethnicity: Listening to German North America (University of Manitoba Press, 2010) and has published several book chapters and articles on the history of migration, culture and transnationalism, including the co-edited collection Small Stories of War: Children, Youth, and Conflict in Canada and Beyond (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023). As both an oral historian and a teacher, Dr. Lorenzkowski seeks to examine the ways in which global processes of migration, displacement, and violence have shaped small people’s lives in outsized ways. Her current research project explores the ‘small spaces’ of childhood, children’s mobility in the wartime city, and children’s sensuous geographies in 1940s Atlantic Canada.
David Staines - scholar of Canadian literature and culture, University of Ottawa |
Anna Porter - Hungarian-born Canadian author and publisher |
Anna Porter’s non-fiction books include Buying a Better World: George Soros and Billionaire Philanthropy, The Ghosts of Europe, winner of the Shaughnessey Cohen Prize for Political Writing, Kasztner’s Train, the True Story of Rezso Kasztner, Unknown Hero of the Holocaust, winner of the 2007 Writers’ Trust Non-Fiction Award and of the Jewish Book Award for Non-Fiction. She has also written six novels, a memoir, and numerous articles. Her most recent novel is Gull Island. Anna Porter is co-founder of Key Porter Books, a company with a wide-ranging list that included Farley Mowat, Joan Barfoot, Fred Bruemmer, Norman Jewison, Hume Cronyn, George Jonas, Margaret Atwood, The Right Honourable Jean Chretien, Sylvia Fraser, Modris Eksteins, John Keegan, Martin Gilbert, Irving Abella, Josef Skvorecky, Italo Calvino, William Trevor, Conrad Black and Janet Lunn. She sold majority interest in the company in 2004. She is an Officer of The Order of Canada and has been awarded the Order of Ontario. |
Endre Farkas - Montreal-based poet, novelist and playwright |
Endre Farkas is a poet, author and playwright living in Canada. He has published 13 books of poetry, 2 novels and had three plays produced. He has toured, read and performed across Canada, United States, Europe and South America. He has been an editor, publisher, one of the founders of Quebec Writers Federation and president of the Quebec English Language Publishers Association. |
Daniel Béland - director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, McGill University |
Daniel Béland is Director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada and James McGill Professor, Department of Political Science, McGill University. A student of politics and public policy, Professor Béland has published more than 20 books and 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals and his work has been cited more than 16,000 times. In addition to his academic work, Professor Béland has participated in numerous training sessions for civil servants, provided policy advice to federal and provincial officials, and testified in front of the Saskatchewan Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission, Standing Senate Committee on National Finance, and the Standing Committee on Finance of the House of Commons (Canada). Moreover, he is very frequently asked to comment on key policy and political issues by Canadian and international media outlets. |
Dennis Gruending - journalist, former MP |
Mélissa-Anne Ménard - associate director, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University |