NCMA 2022 -12th International Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications
Important Dates
- Submission deadline for full papers:
May 30June 13, 2022, - Author notification (full papers):
June 25July 4, 2022, - Submission deadline for short papers:
July 3July 10, 2022, - Author notification (short papers):
July 14July 17, 2022, - Final version: July 24, 2022.

Submission of Full Papers
Full papers presenting original contributions on non-classical and classical models of automata and applications and related subjects are being sought. Full papers will go through a usual review process, simultaneous submissions to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings are not allowed. Accepted full papers will appear in the proceedings of the workshop.
The submission process for regular papers is managed by EasyChair:
Submission of Short Papers
Short papers reporting on recent results or ongoing work on non-classical and classical models of automata and applications and related subjects are also sought. Authors are invited to submit short papers of up to 8 pages. Simultaneous submissionis of extended versions to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings are allowed. Accepted short papers will appear in a separate technical report.
Short papers should be sent in an email to the addresses and with the subject "Submission of NCMA Short Paper" and with the paper title and author names in the body of the message.
Preparing the Final Versions of Accepted Papers for the Proceedings
The proceedings of NCMA 2022 will appear online as a volume of the EPTCS series (Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science). The papers must be prepared in LaTeX using the EPTCS macro package.
To produce the volume, the papers need to be uploaded to the EPTCS website by the authors. In order to upload their paper, authors should follow the instructions which were sent in an email with the subject "NCMA final version - deadline, technical details"