Colloquium on Finsler Geometry and its Applications

CFGA 2023 - Colloquium on Finsler Geometry and its Applications
June 12-16, 2023, Debrecen, Hungary

Second Announcement of the Colloquium

We are glad to inform you that our First Announcement has obtained a favourable response. More than 40 mathematicians have already expressed their interest to participate. See the list of their names on the conference site.

Program and Abstract
The day of arrival is June 12, 2023, Monday. The scientific program will run from Tuesday morning to Friday evening. Lectures are planned to last 45 minutes, short talks last 20 minutes. e. If you intend to give a talk, lecture, or prestent a poster at the conference, please send us a Tex file of the abstract containing your name, (coauthors if any), institutional affiliation and title of the lecture. This abstract should be sent as soon as possible but not later than April 30, 2023 through the form:

Proceedings  - CANCELLED
A Proceedings volume of the conference is planned to publish in early 2024 as a special issue of Publicationes Mathematicae.

Participation fee
Participation fee is EUR 80. This covers the costs of the organization, abstract and some social events (welcome party, farewell party, refreshment, and a half day excursion). This should be paid upon arrival in cash.

Board and Lodging
The following four types of accommodation are offered for the participants (1 EUR = ~380 HUF):

1. Student Hostel: on the university campus, 5 minutes walk to the venue. Price: 5000-7500 HUF/night/person. 1-3 bedrooms available. Optional breakfast for 1600 HUF/person. See website:

Booking made by the conference organizers, pay at the hostel.

2. Hotel Divinus: 5 star hotel in nice park area, 15 minutes walk to the venue. Prices: single superior room 110 EUR/night with breakfast, double superior room 125 EUR/night with breakfast.
See for details the website: Hotel Divinus
Direct booking,  pay at the hotel.

3. Mercure Hotel Debrecen: 4 star hotel in the city center, 15-20 minutes by tram to the venue. Prices: standard room 80 EUR/night with breakfast. See for details the website: Hotel Mercure Debrecen
Direct booking,  pay at the hotel.

For meals you find several options, e.g. in university cafeteria for 5-6 USD, in good restaurants for 10-15 USD.

You are kindly asked to fill in our Registration Form until April 30, 2023, here:


The last, third announcement will be issued at the beginning of May with travel information. If you have any question or problem concerning your participation at our conference, please contact us.

If you need a personal invitation letter, please indicate it on the Registration Form. Any information may also be sent by e-mail to  .

On behalf of the Organizing Committee


VENUE – Learning Center of the University of Debrecen