10th Special Treatment International Interdisciplinary Conference

10th 'Special Treatment' International Interdisciplinary Conference

Hajdúböszörmény, 24-25-26. April. 2025


Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs and the Editorial Teams of the Special Treatment Journal we are delighted to invite you to the 10th ’Special Treatment’ International Interdisciplinary Conference. 

Date of conference:

  • 24-25-26 April, 2025

Venue of the conference:

  • University Of Debrecen, Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs, 1-9. Désány str., 4220, Hajdúböszörmény (Hungary)

The conference has been providing space for a decade for the publication of the scientific results of Hungarian and international researchers which focus on dealing with the situation, care and development of persons requiring special attention, special treatment and the solution of their problems (e.g. persons with special educational needs; persons with disabilities; persons with integration, learning and behavioural difficulties; gifted persons; disadvantaged persons, etc.). 

For the first time in the history of the conference, we are preparing to hold a three-day event, during which speakers are expected to come from more than 10 countries to share their experiences and research results related to the topic. 

This event will highlight and support the emergence of themes that are also in the focus of the János Neumann Programme, such as a) the development and evolution of preventive, curative and care developments/systems for healthy living from early childhood to old age; b) the use of new technologies based on environmentally sound and sustainable development, emphasising climate neutrality; c) the boom of artificial intelligence, digital tools and digital switchover, the introduction of solutions enabling the development of high-level digital skills, skill-enhancing teaching methods in the education, training, development and overall care of stakeholders. 

A special feature of the conference will be an open lecture by one of the conference's keynote speakers and the establishment of an international research group called the ’Special Treatment’ International Research Network.


Registration and submission starts (Start of registration and uploading study materials):

  • 15.11.2024.

Submission ends (upload abstracts of presentations, posters):

  • Earle birds: 30.01.2025.
  • Late applicants: 10.03.2025.

Notification about the results of study material reviews:

  • Earle birds: 28.02.2025.
  • Late applicants: 30.03.2025.

Registration ends for those not wishing to present at the conference:

  • 15.04.2025. 

Final programme:

  • 20.04.2025.


  • Conference participation fee for early registrants: 40 Eur
  • Conference participation fee for late registrants: 50 Eur

The conference fee includes the conference package, participation in the professional and cultural programmes, refreshments, publication in the abstract volume of the conference, and the possibility of publication in the online study volume of the conference, and/or in the 'Special Treatment Journal' (MTA A category journal, DOI, DOAJ, EBSCO, Crossref index).

The conference participation is free for PhD students.



Organizational background


Members of the Hungarian Scientific and Professional Organising Committee

  • Mező Katalin (Ph.D.) - Chairperson of the Conference
  • Erzsébet Gortka-Rákó (Ph.D.) - Dean
  • Gábor Biczó (Ph.D.) - Deputy Dean of Science
  • Magdolna Nemes (Ph.D.) - International Coordinator of the Conference
  • Norbert Tóth (Ph.D.) - International Coordinator of the Conference
  • Ferenc Mező (Ph.D.) - Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Special Treatment Journal

Members of the International Scientific and Professional Organising Committee

  • Rita Horák (Ph.D.), University of Novi Sad Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculity, Subotica (Serbia)
  • Loredana Muntean (Ph.D.), University of Oradea (Romania)
  • Helin Puksand (Ph.D.), University of Tallin (Estonia)
  • Réka Orbán (Ph.D.), Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)
  • Rita Pásztor (Ph.D.), Partium Christian University (Romania)
  • Gabriella Petres (Ph.D.), Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Faculity of Central European Studies (Slovakia)
  • Monika Pyrczak-Piega (Ph.D.), The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (Poland)
  • Grzegorz Godawa (Ph.D.), The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (Poland)

Venue of the conference

  • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs, 1-9. Désány str., 4220, Hajdúböszörmény (Hungary)


  • If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at the email address .



The project number MEC_SZ_24_149060 was realized by the support of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation from the National Research Development and Innovation Fund, financed by the MEC_SZ_24 tender program.


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