10th Special Treatment International Interdisciplinary Conference


The submitted study materials are evaluated by two independent reviewers invited by the Scientific Program Committee. The evaluation process is confidental. In the case of thematic presentations and posters, the authors receive the result of the evaluation and its justification.

Theoretical work

  1. Theoretical embedding, elaboration of the theory
  2. Analytical aspects, their relevance
  3. Originality
  4. General quality, structure, style
  5. Theoretical and practical significance

Empirical work

  1. Theoretical embedding
  2. Goals, research questions, hypotheses, applied methods
  3. Presentation and interpretation of results
  4. General quality, structure, style
  5. Theoretical and practical significance

In each category, the reviewers evaluate the study material with a score between 0 and 5 points (thus, a maximum of 25 points can be obtained for presentations and posters), and they also write a brief evaluation. If the difference between the total scores given by the two reviewers is 10 or more, the Scientific Program Committee will ask a third reviewer for evaluation.

Taking into account the maximum consideration of the reviewers’evaluation, the final decision is made by the Scientific Program Committee based on separately defined point thresholds for theoretical and empirical works.

The decision can be: (1) accepted; (2) rejected; (3) returned for repair.

In case of rejection, there is no opportunity for revising and resubmitting the study material.

Acceptance does not automatically guarantee the publication of the study material in an abstract volume. This only occurs if the participant pay the registration fee by the indicated deadline.

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