Unified Champion University - Science and practice for international networking
Unified Champion University - Science and practice for international networking
2025. April 10. (Tuesday)
Venue: University of Debrecen Faculty of Health Sciences Nyíregyháza, Lecture room one, "A" building
4400 Nyíregyháza sóstói út 2-4
Opening ceremony, welcome speeches - Dr Habil. Mariann Móré DE-ETK Dean
Welcome speech- Gergő Máté-Schwarcz SOHU Sport Director
Plenary Session
- Jenni Hakkinen - SOEE
- Halwax Tímea – SOHU Get into it ! programme manager
- Variability in self-reported health behaviors among Special Olympics athletes across seven global regions, Heidi Stanish (Presenting author), Alicia Dixon-Ibarra, Monica Forquer, John Hanley, Gwendolyn Apgar, Melissa Otterbein, & Andrew Lincoln
- Jávorné dr Erdei Renáta - Research results and experiences in the field of health behaviour of children and young people with disabilities at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of DebrecenDE-ETK, Associate Professor, Head of Department
- Tamás Kiss - SOHU Athlete Representative
Sectional presentations
(MEC_SZ 149259)