10th Special Treatment International Interdisciplinary Conference


Participants can submit their contributions to the conference either as thematic presentations or posters. All scientific materials must be submitted electronically through the registration platform.

The submission of scientific materials will only be considered successful and eligible for review if all participants have registered on the conference website.

Thematic Presentations

Thematic presentations will be organized into thematic sessions. Each session will last 100 minutes and include 4 or 5 presentations. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion, moderated by the session chair appointed by the Scientific Program Committee.l.

Multiple-Author Presentations

In the case of multiple-author presentations, we kindly ask that every author register. For multiple-author presentations, those delivering the presentation should register as speakers, while co-authors should register as participants. A presentation will only be accepted to the conference if all authors are registered.


Posters are a well-established format for presenting scientific findings at conferences. Their main feature is the emphasis on visual elements. The advantage of poster sessions is the direct interaction between the researcher presenting the poster and the attendees, with no strict time constraints on these interactions.

Posters will be organized into thematic groups (with 8-10 posters per group). The 60-minute poster session will be led by a chair appointed by the program committee. We suggest the following schedule for the 60-minute session: (1) a 15-minute informal browsing period, (2) during the second and third quarters of the session, the poster presenters will summarize the key points of their research in approximately 3 minutes each, and (3) the remaining time will be allocated to informal discussion and questions.

Poster Size

The poster size should be A3 paper format (297x420 mm). A single poster can consist of a maximum of two A3-sized sheets.

For mounting the posters (depending on the material of the panels), we will provide participants with either poster putty or pushpins during the conference.

Types of Posters

Depending on the nature of the research (empirical or theoretical), we suggest two different structural layouts for poster design.

For empirical research, the typical structure includes six clearly distinguishable sections, which are usually as follows:

  1. Title, authors, contact information, acknowledgment of research funding
  2. Theoretical background
  3. Research questions, hypotheses
  4. Methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion, conclusions, references

For theoretical research, we suggest the following structural sections:

  1. Title, authors, contact information, acknowledgment of research funding
  2. Relevance of the theoretical problem; literature review
  3. The author’s stance on the examined theoretical issue
  4. Arguments supporting the author’s stance
  5. Relevance of the stance for theory, practice, and/or educational policy
  6. Discussion, conclusions, references

Submission ends (upload abstracts of presentations, posters):

  • Earle birds: 30.01.2025.
  • Late applicants: 10.03.2025.

Notification about the results of study material reviews:

  • Earle birds: 28.02.2025.
  • Late applicants: 30.03.2025.


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