Nursing Symposium Conference - 2018

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Welcoming words

We welcome all lecturers and participants to this International Symposium. This symposium is devoted to some current issues of health care which focus on some questions that will define the future of nursing.

The International Nursing Days were firstly organized by the University of South Bohemia in 2002. For 7 years, the University hosted these events in Ceske Budejovice where several countries participated. These international events made it possible for nurses and other health professionals, mainly from Central and Eastern Europe, to compare significant changes in health care, and share their experience and good practices. After joining the EU, sharing experience and presenting research outcomes became even more important.

This prestigious professional event has been circulating among the partner universities of Visegrad Four since 2009. After 2010 and 2014, the University of Debrecen hosts this event for the third time.

We strongly believe that the lectures will provide our foreign and Hungarian guests with meaningful professional experience, too.


We wish you a fruitful cooperation.

the organizers of the Symposium

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