II. Biodiversity Conference
Preliminary programme - II. Debrecen Biodiversity Conference
Day 1
27 March 2025
Rewilding with herbivores
Daniel BUCUR (Foundation Conservation Carpathia, Romania): The impact of the return of the bison in the Făgărași Mountains
Anghel DRAȘOVEAN (WWF Romania & WeWilder Team, Romania): The European bison reintroduction programme in Țarcu Mountains
NÉMETH Csaba (Őrség National Park, Hungary): Wilderness in a Cultural Landscape: Experiences on the Habitat Modifying Effects of European Bison in the Őrség National Park
KEREKES Viola (Hortobágy National Park, Hungary): Habitat use of large herbivores in Pentezug reserve
Regenerative agriculture
Orsolya VALKÓ (Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary): Synergies and tradeoffs between agriculture and biodiversity: - summary of the EASAC report on Regenerative Agriculture
Emese RABNÉ SERESS (CEE-WEB, Hungary): Cultivating change: The vital role of youth in our sustainable food system
Coffee break
Ferenc BEREND (Berend Llc., Hungary): Direct sowing in Hungary
Levente CZEGLÉDI - Renáta KLEIN (University of Debrecen, Hungary): Yield and precision solutions of grazing
Tibor HADARICS (Sopron group of BirdLife Hungary): Potential environmental impacts of compulsory veterinary treatment of farm animals
Máté TÓTH (Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary): Invertebrate-friendly grazing in the LIFEforBUGSandBIRDS project
Roundtable discussion: with speakers and invited contributions on economic feasibility, financial support, urban regeneration, communication, environmental education. Venue: Hortobágyi Csárda
Movie screening: Pastorale (director: József Sáfrány). Location: HNPI Visitor Centre
Day 2
28 March 2025
Ecosystem/habitat restoration and management with grazing
Stephen G. BRAMWELL (Washington State University, USA): Working out the Principles and Practices for Conservation Grazing in Western Washington, U.S.A.
Zsolt MOLNÁR (Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary): Herders' roles in developing conservation grazing management
Zoltán LENGYEL (Táncoskert Farm, Hungary): Wetland management with swamp mangalica pigs
Coffee break
András István CSATHÓ (independent researcher, Hungary): Long-term coenology of ancient and reconstructed Pannonian loess steppes in Battonya-Tompapuszta, with special emphasis on effects of steppe mammal species on the vegetation
Edvárd MIZSEI (Kiskunság National Park, Hungary): Enhancing habitat quality through diversity for a grassland specialist snake: using seed sowing to restore abandoned plough fields
László GÁLHIDY (WWF Hungary): Sanctuary forests in Hungary
Afternoon field trip to Hortobágy National Park
For further information please contact one of the following members of the organising committee: Attila Németh (
) or Karola Szemán (