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Bioinformatics and Data Science in Genomic Studies
Bioinformatics and Data Science in Genomic Studies online workshop
The Institute of Metagenomics of the University of Debrecen invites all those interested in bioinformatics to its online workshop. The workshop will be held in English between 24-25 November 2022. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 30 September 2022. For more information, please visit: https://konferencia.unideb.hu/en/BDG2022.
The organisers welcome all interested parties to attend the event.
Planned sections (may change in light of submitted abstracts):
- genome, pangenome, metagenome, population genetics, phylogenetics, phylogenomics
- transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, functional genomics
- modeling, statistical analyses, machine learning, big data
Detailed description: in the past two decades there have been enormous advances in the development and availability of technologies enabling the production and analysis of vast amounts of genetic and genomic information. In the "omics" era the rapidly accumulating data and robust new software provide an unprecedented opportunity for bioinformatics and data science to find answers to the most complex biological questions, from the level of gene expression of individual cells to genome-wide associations across species and communities.
Some of the challenges of this era include the difficulty of keeping up with the rapidly expanding methodology and the exponentially growing knowledge base building on the methodology of the interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics. In this workshop we invite researchers of various backgrounds to present their work on a wide range of topics utilizing bioinformatics and data science, in topics such as the study of genes, gene variants, gene expression and the transcriptome, proteome, phylogenetics, whole genomes, genome-wide association studies, functional genomics, cheminformatics, chemogenomics, structural bioinformatics, phylogenomics, metagenomes and pangenomes. We hope to provide a forum for scientists to get acquainted with the on-going researches utilizing bioinformatic tools, with benchmarks and best practices, or even with novel or modified tools. Since such researches have tremendous translational potential, we aim to organize sections not only for life sciences and basic research, but also for research of medical, pharmacological, or industrial relevance.
To make this workshop more accessible, we organize it to be fully online - details in the conference pages.
- Bioinformatics and Data Science in Genomic Studies online workshop
- Date: 24-25 November 2022
- Registration deadline: 20 October 2022
- Conference webpage: https://konferencia.unideb.hu/en/BDG2022
- Contact e-mail:
The conference is organized with the support of the GINOP-2.3.4-15-2020-00008 grant.