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DCFS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Descriptional Complexity of Formal systems
Important Dates
- Submission deadline:
April 10April 24, 2022, - Notification of acceptance:
May 16May 23, 2022, - Final version for proceedings: May 29, 2022.

Accepted Papers
- Duncan Adamson: Ranking Binary Unlabelled Necklaces in Polynomial Time
- Jérôme Durand-Lose: On the power of recursive word-functions without concatenation
- Szilárd Fazekas and Robert Mercas: Clusters of repetition roots forming prefix chains
- Pamela Fleischmann, Lukas Haschke, Annika Huch, Annika Mayrock and Dirk Nowotka: Nearly k-Universal Words - Investigating a part of Simon's Congruence
- Viliam Geffert, Dominika Pališínová and Alexander Szabari: State Complexity of Binary Coded Regular Languages
- Stefan Hoffmann: Reset Complexity and Completely Reachable Automata with Simple Idempotents
- Markus Holzer and Christian Rauch: On the Descriptional Complexity of the Direct Product of Finite Automata
- Michal Hospodár, Peter Mlynárčik and Viktor Olejár: Operations on Subregular Languages and Nondeterministic State Complexity
- Sungmin Kim, Yo-Sub Han, Sang-Ki Ko and Kai Salomaa: On Simon’s Congruence Closure of a String
- Stavros Konstantinidis, Mitja Mastnak, Nelma Moreira and Rogério Reis: Approximate NFA Universality Motivated by Information Theory
- Orna Kupferman and Asaf Petruschka: Lazy Regular Sensing
- Martin Kutrib and Matthias Wendlandt: State Complexity of Finite Partial Languages
- Hendrik Maarand and Hellis Tamm: Yet Another Canonical Nondeterministic Automaton
- Benedek Nagy: Union-complexities of Kleene-plus operation