The conference will be held between 23 and 25 May 2022 at the University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
COVID-19 Informations:
from Budapest Airport
- bus Budapest Airport - Budapest Ferihegy (200E)
- MÁV train Budapest Ferihegy - Debrecen
- Shuttle Service
Public transport in Debrecen
- DKV route map
- To be able to move around Debrecen, there are different types of tickets. You can also buy online tickets.
- BOLT taxi (Apple store Play Store)
How to reach the University (Conference Program)?
- bus 3, 3A, 5, 5A. 11, 22, 24. stop: Laktanya utca
- bus 10, 22, 24, bus stop: Egyetem sugárút, Egyetem, Dóczy József utca
How to reach the University Main Building (Social Program: Welcome Dinner, Gala Dinner, Library programs)?
- tram 1, tram stop: Egyetem tér
- bus 10, 22, 24, bus stop: Egyetem sugárút, Egyetem, Dóczy József utca
- Villa Hotel
- Hotel Divinus
- Centrum Hotel
- Hotel Lycium
- Nagyerdei Hotel
- Régi Posta Fogadó
- Hotel Óbester
- Sport Hotel